An 8-way 16-bit Multiplexor chip outputs one of the given eight 16-bit inputs, which is specified by selector bit.
Width of selector bit = (log 8) to the base 2 = 3
Chip name: Mux8Way16
Inputs: a[16],b[16],c[16],d[16],e[16],f[16],g[16],h[16],
Outputs: out[16]
Function: If sel=000 then out=a
else if sel=001 then out=b
else if sel=010 then out=c
else if sel=111 then out=h
Comment: The assignment operations mentioned above are all
16-bit. For example, "out=a" means "for i=0..15
Implementation of Mux8Way16 Chip in HDL
The function in the above abstraction can help in the implementation of Mux8Way16 Chip.
You can use the Mux4Way16 chip that you've built earlier.