Multiplexor Chip

Abstraction and Implementation of Multiplexor Chip in Hardware Design Language and Java™.

Multiplexor (Mux)

A Multiplexor, also known as Selector, is a three-input bit gate that uses one of the input called "selection bit" to select one of the given two inputs for outputting them.

The name multiplexor was adopted from communications systems, where similar devices are used to serialize (multiplex) several input signals over a single output wire.

Implementation of Multiplexor Chip in HDL

The expression in the above abstraction can help in the implementation of Multiplexor chip.

CHIP Mux {
    IN a, b, sel;
    OUT out;

    Not(in=a, out=notsel);
    And(a=a, b=notsel, out=aAndnotsel);
    And(a=sel, b=b, out=bAndsel);
    Or(a=aAndnotsel, b=bAndsel, out=out);

Implementation of Multiplexor Chip in Java™

Similar to the Implementation in HDL

package CombChips;

class Mux_Gate extends And_Gate {

    protected static int Mux(int a, int b, int sel) {
        int first = And(a, Not(sel));
        int second = And(b, sel);
        return Or_Gate.Or(first, second);

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